This give you an option to give One-time or monthly, enter the amount you would like to give.
Monthly giving options: The money goes towards all the other areas that child sponsorship doesn’t cover, including outreach ministries (This includes, evangelism, sports, water ministry, etc.), building projects, emergencies
For everything to run smoothly we need $48,000 per year/20 kids, so each kid requires $2,400/year to be supported or $200 per month for each kid.
Goal Total per month:
$25 per month – Praying for 30 People to give $25
$50 per month – Praying for 25 People to give$50
$100 per month – Praying for 20 people to give $100
One time gifts – $5,000 needed in one time gifts
We would like you to pray about level of support you can do and see where God leads you. Regardless of financial support we need you to pray for us and for our children. Thank you for letting us share with you. We thank you for how you have supported us and helped us out already! Prayers and much appreciated as we feel quite overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done. We pray the Lord would give us wisdom and help us to prioritize want the immediate needs are.
We are committed to using all contributions to our work wisely and effectively; we ensure that all gifts entrusted to us have maximum impact. Your donation is tax deductible under section 170 of the Code under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.