Thank you for your Donation

You will receive a donation receipt when you donate to our ministry which indicate the following information:

RE: Donation Receipt

On behalf of Grace of God Children’s Project (GOGCP) I would like to thank you for your generous donation. Your commitment to help the orphans, poor children and our other outreach ministries is sincerely appreciated. Each year Grace of God Children’s Project continues to advance its mission of helping orphans and poor children live a better life. Through our ministry Grace of God Children’s Project, we have seen many lives changed for the better.

In particular, GOGCP has enjoyed great success since its establishment. We have realized that it doesn’t take much to change a child’s life. With a combining of empathy and kind efforts, so much can be done. Small donations from many people with compassion can do mighty things. God can multiply it beyond our imagination. We have already seen His wonderful work in the children’s lives. When children find out they’ve been supported, the joy they feel is indescribable. Just knowing that someone across the globe cares for them means more than you can imagine. Supporting a child will profoundly change the future of the child, and will change your own life as well.

The goal of GOGCP is to continue to make a difference in the lives of children who need help. With the help of donations from supporters such as you, we will continue to see more and more orphans and poor children succeed in life.

We are committed to using all contributions to our work wisely and effectively; we ensure that all gifts entrusted to us have maximum impact. Your donation is tax deductible under section 170 of the Code under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Thanks again for your generous support to Grace of God Children’s Project. If you need additional information about our project or ministry, please do not hesitate to contact us.


David  Cheromei


Grace of God Children’s Project